Saturday, April 5, 2008

To be fair...

I suppose the title of this blog is not wholly accurate for this is, somewhat reluctantly, a travel blog(ue). The reluctance was heightened by a comment from a certain blonde Rusophile friend of mine made right before I left-- "Just don't, you know, write one of those blogs," complete with eye-rolling sound effects that could be heard over the cellular phone. Point taken, and I think we all know what she means. However the fact remains that I will be living and working in a foreign land for the next four months, and this blog will be an outlet for my thoughts--not my thoughts representing Kiva, and not my (bountiful) thoughts on food. Just my thoughts, period. Provided freely and without having to clog anyone’s inbox (though I might still do that).

So why am I way over yonder in Cambodia, you ask? After seven long years, I decided it was time to take a break from New York and see some other cities while I am still young. We’ve been through a hell of a lot, but sometimes a relationship can get stagnant, and each year begins to bleed indistinguishably into the last or the next. I’m fairly certain that I will always go back to New York. After all, it is the only place that I’ve ever felt truly at home. But for now, I will be spending my time working in and preparing for a field that I am tremendously passionate and excited about: social entrepreneurship.

In Cambodia, I will be a Kiva fellow working with the Cambodian microfinance institution CREDIT. I only started on Thursday, but already I know I am truly lucky to get to work with some really wonderful, fun, talented, and dedicated people. I also learned that CREDIT is a Christian organization, which would explain why at 4:30 p.m. each Friday all the staff gathers in the lobby for “devotion.” I’m doubly lucky that they let a pagan like me work there.

After my time at CREDIT, I will do some traveling in the region before meeting the rest of the Pei clan in Taipei to surprise grandmamma Pei for her big 9-0 (shhh!!). Then I will make my merry way back to the States for biznass skewel.

So there you have it, the raison d’etre, kind of, of this non-travelblogue blog. Please enjoy very much and thank you.

1 comment:

Blake said...

I didn't know you were doing this through Kiva fellows?! that's awesome. i just learned about kiva recently and just contributed to my first loan this past week. it seems to be really awesome, so i'm excited to hear how it plays out in Cambodia for you.

yay izzy!