Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kumquat Lasagna

This happens to me every time I live abroad for a period longer than a couple of months. I'm kind of confused by this pattern. I stay up really late for no apparent reason, even though I am actually really exhausted and a little sicky and have to get up early for work. I surf the web for really inane stuff, read blogs of friends of friends, etc. I do NOT do anything that would even threaten to border on the constructive, like pay attention to the very riveting FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING! module I am supposed to do before school starts, read one of the five books I've started and would really like to finish so I don't have to lug them home, or even just respond to emails. I don't want to do any of that. After the perusal of a friend of a friend's blog bored me, I clicked on a link to to the first friend's website. That site sparked in me some sort of nostalgia and reminded me of what I DO actually want to do. And that is this:

When we were younger, my brother Hans Tang and I would have these Garfield drawing contests. Sometimes it was Calvin and Hobbes and sometimes our next door neighbor Brian Sharpe would play as well. Those were our favorite comics growing up. In retrospect maybe they just were Hans Tang's favorites, and only by association mine. I mean I followed him around a lot maybe, but whatever. I'm my own person now. And I don't read Piers Anthony novels anymore, in case you were wondering. Anyways these contests were a lot of fun. Neither of us remember who was better, which is kind of an enormous anomaly for us and perhaps telling. I think sometimes we would make our dad be the judge. He's an honest guy.

So that is what I want to do. I want to have a Garfield drawing contest. And I want my dad to be the judge. Nothing more, just that. That is all I want in my life right now.

I guess one could call this bliss.

I would like to recreate this one and replace Pookie with my very own beloved Bunny Ears.


Duke said...

speaking of bunny ears... i remember one of our favorite games as children was bunny ears basketball... getting an empty wastebasket with a new plastic bag and using that as the net... and guess who as the ball?? i think even dad played...

Isadora said...

i'm not sure the plastic bag was fresh...we should have an improvised childhood games olympics. garfield drawing, bunnyball, and reflecting light off of christmas ornaments labyrinth making!!